At the End of the Tunnel

I’m not saying I’m inclined to pessimism, but one of my nicknames at university in the early 70s was Eeyore.

This very short tunnel is at the South end of Ludlow station. I didn’t go there specifically for this shot, but since that was the train for Shrewsbury that I was waiting for, it seemed a pity to waste the opportunity.

More Flattening than Flattering

Jude finally found something useful to do with a couple of my author’s copies: specifically, two volumes of a very bulky, heavy and expensive book for which I wrote a couple of chapters a few years ago. That is, for flattening photographs that have spent the past few years rolled up in a cardboard tube.


However, she also put this up in my studio. I’m hoping she isn’t implying that I’m too loud and a bit dozy.


David Harley


I dug this out of my photo collection because of a tenuous connection with an exchange of work email*, but couldn’t resist posting it here.

Spotted in a cafe in the Blue Mountains. The ones near Sydney, not those in Jamaica. And no mention at all of civet cat scat.


*Well, I was there to co-present a paper for ESET at AVAR. Sydney, that is, not Katoomba. That was a bit of our add-on holiday.

David Harley